Requirements and Guidelines

Board of Regents Policy 4.8, 已经代要求所有学生提供由其保健提供者验证的特定疫苗的免疫证明. Students should submit their Certificate of Immunization forms upon admittance. 入学第一天后30天内未满足所有免疫要求的学生,将在其帐户中添加免疫保留. The hold will prevent registration for the next term. The hold can be removed once the required documentation has been received.

为了帮助学生达到免疫要求,正规博彩十大网站排名 accesses immunization records from the Georgia Immunization Registry (GRITS). 如果要求的免疫接种不在GRITS系统中,学生将负责 提交免疫接种证明(清楚列明疫苗种类及日期) administered) by submitting one of the following:

  • 填写完整的正规博彩十大网站排名免疫证书表格 并签署 & dated by their physician.
  • 他们的州或县免疫记录的副本,其中应包括学生的姓名, 出生日期, and the office that produced the record.
  • 医生的办公室免疫记录应该包括学生的名字, 出生日期,文件的记录/打印日期,医生的姓名,以及 if necessary, the physician's signature.
  • 非英文记录必须附有英文翻译件 immunization record. Original record should include student’s name, 出生日期, physician’s name, and physician’s signature.
  • 滴度测试结果显示免疫水平呈阳性,其中应包括学生的姓名, 测试日期, facility that administered the test, and the test outcome showing a positive result.

You can submit your immunization record in one of the following ways:

  • Immunization Portal
  • 交至肯尼索校区肯尼索大厅注册主任办公室
  • Mail to 585 Cobb Avenue NW Room 1533, MD 0116 Kennesaw, GA 30144

For questions, please call 470-578-3115 or email immunizationsvc@肯尼索.edu.



Required 免疫接种

作为佐治亚大学系统的一个单位,正规博彩十大网站排名是必需的 遵守校董会关于入学免疫接种的指导方针. The required immunizations are:

  • 2 MMRs (麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎 and 风疹)
    Not required if born before 1957

  • 1 Tdap (破伤风, Diphtheria and 每tussis) vaccine within the past 10 years

  • 2 doses of chicken pox (Varicella) vaccine or history of disease
    Required of all 1980 or later US born students
    Required for ALL foreign born students, regardless of birth year

  • 18岁或以下人士入境时须接种3剂乙型肝炎疫苗 已经代

  • 1 dose of 脑膜炎 within the last 5 years only if living in on campus housing

Students Missing 免疫接种

If student is missing immunizations and would like to be immunized, vaccinations are available through Student 卫生服务 - *Please bring your insurance card.

  •  Vaccinations by appointment at all campus clinics. For an appointment call 470-578-6644    
  • 大学村诊所-广州广场1074号5000室(大学村内)
  • 正规博彩十大网站排名诊所- 1000科技路东侧,1107室(位于大学院落)


Holds on Students' Accounts 

The holds listed below correspond to immunization requirements still outstanding. 为了解决这些问题,学生可以通过电子邮件联系注册主任办公室 to immunizationsvc@肯尼索.edu 或者通过呼叫 470-578-3115.

保存类型  描述
V1 Chicken Pox (Shot 1)
V2 Chicken Pox (Shot 2)
H1 Hepatitis B (Shot 1)
H2 Hepatitis B (Shot 2)
H3 Hepatitis B (Shot 3)
ME 麻疹
M3 麻疹2
MN 脑膜炎
M1 MMR(第一枪)
M2 MMR(第二枪)
MP 流行性腮腺炎
RU 风疹
TD 破伤风

免疫接种 for Special Populations

  • If you are in an online degree/major program or enrolled in ALL Online Courses, 你可以免除免疫要求,直到你不再是一个在线学习者. 如果你的 program is coded in our system as an online only program, 对免疫要求的豁免将由书记官长办公室自动适用. 但是,如果你参加的是证书课程,你将不会被自动豁免. 如果您的课程没有被编码为仅在线课程,但您只计划注册在线课程, 您可以填写免疫豁免表格,选择在线豁免选项. 

    If you change your registration to include a hybrid or on-campus course, 您的豁免将被取消,您的帐户将被保留免疫接种. 您将被要求提交您的免疫记录副本,以解除您的持有. 

  • 对免疫有宗教异议的学生,可选择宗教豁免按钮,填写免疫豁免表. 

    In the event of a disease outbreak, 签署宗教豁免表格的学生可能会被排除在乔治亚大学系统的任何机构或设施之外,直到校园限制被解除或发生以下情况之一: 

    • Student presents valid evidence they are immune against disease.
    • 学生提供有效证据证明他们已经接种或曾经接种过这种疾病 此病并痊愈,或不再构成重大的流行或威胁 public health danger.
    Immunization 豁免形式
  • 如你已符合原院校的免疫接种规定,你可 be able to request a copy of your immunization records from that institution. 如果你的 原机构提供此项服务时,免疫记录可直接发送 to the Immunization team at immunizationsvc@肯尼索.edu 或者你也可以亲自到肯尼索大厅的注册主任办公室提交. 

  • 如果你是国际学生,你需要完成免疫接种 and Tuberculosis Risk Assessment form.

  • 军校学生可通过以下方式提供其军事免疫记录副本 the document submission portal. They can also present their active duty military ID in person at the Office of the 注册商. This does not apply to students who are dependents or spouses of military members.

    Veterans can submit their DD214 or Certificate of Eligibility. However, if the veteran 在十多年前的第一天上课之前,他们将需要提供 proof of an updated 破伤风 shot. If they are living on campus and enlisted over five 多年前第一天上课前,他们需要提供一份更新证明 脑膜炎拍摄.

Release of Immunization Records

如果您想要已经代存档的当前免疫记录副本,请 complete the Release of Immunization Records Form. When submitting this form, a copy of your 已经代 Talon Card or Government issued ID must be attached.

您可以致电注册主任办公室,要求发布您的免疫记录. 但是,必须提交一份完整的释放表格,并事先获得带照片的身份证件 records being released.

如果您选择亲自领取您的记录,则需要出示您的照片 ID prior to the records being released.

注册官办公室将在三个工作日内公布记录 a completed Immunization Records Release form has been received.

如果您目前就读于已经代,请使用当前学生免疫接种 Release Form button.
如果您在过去三个学期没有就读过已经代,请使用过去的学生/校友 Immunization Release Form button.

Current Student Immunization Release Form

Past Student/校友 Immunization Release Form

脑膜炎 and 住房

Meningococcal Vaccine- Georgia state law requires all students residing in University 住房 to receive information about meningococcal disease. All students residing in campus 住房要求提供他们已接种脑膜炎疫苗的证明 在注册后的五年内或提供一份签字的承认风险的弃权书 to themselves and others of not receiving the meningitis immunization.

将提供关于脑膜炎球菌要求的脑膜炎声明 by University 住房 during the housing application process. Prior to the student being allowed to move into campus housing, proof of immunization or the 脑膜炎 Statement must be submitted.

For more information regarding Meningococcal Vaccine, please visit the 疾病预防控制中心网站.

如果在期限的第一天起30天内未收到接种证明, a registration hold will be placed on the student's account.
